Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PART 2A: Like a tree planted

Dream your pictures, paint your dreams. Don't let life get you down. Stay strong & rise above your circumstances. Each storm will pass you by and a new dawn will come


2.3...Infidelity: The analogy of a tree planted
The planting a big strong tree begins with a seed. Infidelity is similar - it all begins with a little seed of desire. All the time when that seed starts to grow, it grows roots that finds its way down into the ground. These roots find their way to get entrenched so that the tree that grows up is held down altogether. Only after sometime does the trunk of the tree come out as a small harmless-looking shoot. It seems so innocent but when that shoot has emerged, it has already got a lot of roots holding it down. When the first signs of Infidelity comes out, it has already seen some time of quiet and secret development. At this stage, there is still some chance of resolution but it will already be slim.

If the shoot is allowed to grow into a tree with a solid trunk and branches, the situation would have become almost impossible to carve out solutions. To do that, you will need to cut off the tree and then de-root it. Merely cutting the trunk will be quite useless. That's because the problem will be resolved for a while and then the uncut part of the trunk will simply grow again. That's the way it is with Infidelity. It needs to hae all the roots pulled out. Even if you leave a few roots inits place, it will grow again. That's how serious infidelity is.

NEXT: 2.4...Understanding how the human MIND-SET & DECISION-MAKING works

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