Dear Zuhairah,
A Get-together is good
I will try and arrange something for all those who climbed Kinabalu with us to have a get-together. It will be great. We need to find an occasion to laugh and have merriment.
On the views of people
On the subject of views expressed by people over the email circuit, I have always held that the individual expression of views is a fundamental right and although I may not agree with quite a few of the mails received, I find it interesting to read about what I receive. It gives me a chance to understand why people are unhappy with issues and what makes them 'tick'. This is aside from the trash articles that I don’t even bother to read.
Great friendship is founded on great acceptance
As a person, I have always found that friendship should never be dependent on views. Diversity allows us to respect each other deeply - that is why the dividing lines of religion, race and values can be transcended with respect and acceptance. It is not an easy bridge to gap but it can be done.
Friendships kept to last a life-time – the Shahir family
I just went for a belated Hari Raya Gathering at the house of a dear friend, Rohani. I knew her when she was in school. They have 4 sisters in all and 3 of them have worked for me before. Her father, Datuk Shahir was formerly Commissioner of Police in Sabah. Both he and his wife simply treated me like 'a son' and at functions in Sabah would tell all and sundry that I am their god-son. I had free access to their home at any time without the need for appointment. We have continued that relationship. I had a great conversation with Rohayah (one of the sisters) and she is now Councillor under PAS in the Sepang area. There was great acceptance of what each of us shared. We are friends in the true sense of the word, able to talk without pretence and sharing what we wanted to say openly and comfortably.
A friendship that transcends boundaries – Rozieta and Marzuki
I have another friend Rozieta and her husband Marzuki. We have had this great friendship over the years - a friendship that has no boundaries drawn. We can talk for hours about many things including race and religion. We interact on the basis of great respect and if she needed help even at 3 am in the morning, I will go without hesitation. I am sure she is a better friend than many of the Chinese friends I have. It is interesting because we have bonded so well. I see people as individuals - people whose needs must first be understood before real relationships can be built and it is mutual. We can go for two years without communicating and yet time does not diminish the depth of the relationship. I treasure such ties and I am sure it is a reciprocal feeling.
Common values that bind – Dato Hashim Wahab
Yet another great friend is Dato Hashim Wahab, the former Director-General of the Malaysia Cocoa Board. We go for trips together and we share common platforms together. I am really comfortable with him and we can share a hotel room together and find enjoyment in the interaction we have without discomfort. We laugh so much together it hurts. We share all our secrets without restrain. Such is the framework of great friendships.
True love engenders goodness..... & relationship without conditions
True love that engenders hope, grace and relationship is something precious. Malaysia needs more of these values. The mountain climb is a great equalizer - it brings interaction without condition because everyone is enmeshed in a common goal. That's why when we brought Siew May, that Cerebral Palsy girl to climb that great mountain, the common goal of a "must-get-her-to-the-top" attitude, especially of her Singapore team-mates gave everyone common ground and what an achievement it was!!!
Thank you for your friendship - Zuhairah
With you, I found a very comfortable platform of interaction because I sensed a deep sense of maturity and acceptance of others. I am sure you have gone through much in your personal walk and the dimension of grace in your life was very clearly etched. You remind me very much of your friend, Marina Mahathir. Although I don't know her personally, her columns have always touched me. She has such a sense of balance and poise that it makes acceptance of her so easy. Great people always have that touch. There should be more like her in our country.
Let’s stay connected.
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